Sunday, April 30, 2017

MAY DAY 2017

Greetings to the International Proletariat

Workers Socialist League – USA
Socialist Fight – Britain
Tendência Militante Bolchevique – Argentina
Communist Revolutionary Action – Greece
Frente Comunista dos Trabalhadores – Brazil

Bhagat Singh’s Socialist - India
Ady Mutero, Revolutionary Internationalist League – Zimbabwe
Mohammad Basir Ul Haq Sinha, Inter Press Network – Bangladesh

In this centenary year of the Russian Revolution, the single greatest progressive event in human history, we recognise the global class faces great dangers but we are also confident that great opportunities will arise for those who continue to fight for that programme of world revolution. The crisis unleashed by subprime mortgages and the Lehman brothers collapse of 2008 still reverberates in the global economy. This unresolved crisis of debt and falling rates of profits, endemic to the capitalist mode of production itself, as Marx analysed, has engendered the rise of national chauvinism and economic protectionism.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


As Trump's populist electoral approach is hijacked by the establishment, he moves on to advance the imperialism's agenda

Obama’s eight-year legacy as the empire’s commander in chief became consolidated abroad as ultra-interventionist through the implementation of policies that varied from parliamentary coups in regions such as Brazil, Argentina, and Egypt to terrorizing drone military wars in most parts of the Middle East.

Domestically, the working class vanguard recognizes him by his constant assault on minorities by creating a police state that killed many young black lives and escalated the deportation of Latino and Muslim immigrants to numbers never seen before. His fake demagogy of “hope” unveiled his true imperialism agenda: to deepen America’s working class exploitation, but most importantly to escalate terrorism in the Middle East and destabilize the BRICS by pushing for the implementation of a new cold war.

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Defend Syria and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea! For the defeat and expulsion of imperialism and its agents!

Socialist Fight – Britain
Workers Socialist League – USA
Tendência Militante Bolchevique – Argentina
Communist Revolutionary Action – Greece
Frente Comunista dos Trabalhadores – Brazil
CEDS – Centro de Estudos e Debates Socialistas – Brazil
Ady Mutero, Revolutionary Internationalist League – Zimbabwe
Mohammad Basir Ul Haq Sinha, President, Inter Press Network, Dhaka – Bangladesh
Akhar Bandyopadhyay, Bhagat Singh’s Socialist India
Frank Fitzmaurice, Liverpool – Britain
Michael O’Rourke, Irish Republican Socialist, Leitrim, Ireland, “I look forward to the defeat of imperialism in Syria, N. Korea and worldwide”.
Annette Maloney, London, “as a lifetime Irish republican activist I fully endorse the statement”.
Eugene Potter, London, student, “I fully agree with the statement”.
Bruno Kretzschmar, London, Revolutionary Socialist
Alonso Quijano, France, Chilean Revolutionary Socialist

Sunday, April 9, 2017


New drums of humanitarian intervention
Hands off Syria!
P. Kar, KED
This article was originally published in Greek on April 6, a few hours before the US strikes against Syria.

1990, a few weeks before the US attacked Iraq. The picture depicts Nayirah, who presented herself as a nurse in a Kuwaiti hospital, and went on to testify that the Iraqi army threw babies out of their incubators, leaving them to die ‘on the cold floor’. It would be later revealed that she was actually the daughter of the Kuwaiti embassador to the US.

The liberation of Aleppo from the clutches of the reactionary opposition and the subsequent stream of victories of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies forced the US government to put its tail between its legs and temporarily accept the reality on the ground: the defeat of its proxy armies and, along with them, the defeat of an important part of its strategy on Syria and the…

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